Masha Belenky

Professor Masha Belenky

Masha Belenky

Professor of French, Director, Centre d'Excellence, Director of French Literature


Email: Masha Belenky
Office Phone: (202) 994-6937

Masha Belenky is a scholar of nineteenth-century French literature and
culture. She received her M.A. from NYU and her Ph.D. in French Literature
from Columbia University. Her research and teaching interests include
19th-c French popular culture, cultural studies, the genre of the novel, and
urban studies.  Her first book investigates representations of romantic
jealousy in post-Revolutionary France. Her second book, Engine of
Modernity: The Omnibus and Urban Culture in Nineteenth-Century
Paris examines the relationship between early mass transit and popular
culture and ways in which they shaped the concept of modernity in France.,
She has co-edited and co-translated (with Anne O’Neil-Henry) an anthology
of popular literature from nineteenth-century France. She is a former co-
editor of Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuvièmistes (2018-2023),
and former forum editor for H-France (2018-2021). She is currently on the
executive committee of the Modern Language Association’s forum for 19th-
century French literature, and co-convenes a monthly virtual book dialogue
series, NCFS Unbound.

French 2500: The Cultural Politics of Food in France

French 4540: Power, Politics and the Press in Nineteenth-Century France

French 4540: Windows on Paris: Writing the City in the Nineteenth Century

French 4540: High Culture and Low Culture in Nineteenth-Century France

French 3600: Victor Hugo and the Nineteenth Century

French 4470: Writing Women

French 4910 &4920: Proseminar for French Majors

French 3500: Jewish Culture in Modern France

 Books and edited volumes:


  • “Disordered Topographies in Zola’s La Curée,” Romance Notes, 53. 1 (2013)

  • “Transitory Tales: Omnibus in Nineteenth-Century Paris,” Dix-Neuf, 16:3 (November 2012)

  • “Nomadic Encounters: Leïla Sebbar Reads Isabelle Eberhardt,” Dalhousie French Studies, 95.4 (Fall 2011)

  • “Feydeau in the Public Eye: Jealousy, Marriage, and the Bourgeois Culture of Possession,” Romance Studies, 25.3 (2007)

  • “From Transit to Transitoire: Omnibus and Modernity,” Nineteenth-Century French Studies 35. 1 & 2 (2007)

  • “Letters, Lies, and Legible Urban Space in Balzac’s Ferragus,” Romance Notes 45.2 (2005)

  • "Gender Reversals: Reading Jealousy in Balzac and Rachilde" in Visions/Revisions: Essays in Nineteenth-Century French Culture. Ed. Nigel Harkness (New York: Peter Lang, 2003)