DEI Commitment

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in RGSS

The GW Department of Romance, German, and Slavic Studies affirms our commitment to creating an inclusive environment for students, faculty, and staff of diverse identities, experiences, and backgrounds. As educators and scholars, we interrogate and challenge the legacies of domination, colonial and otherwise, that underpin the languages and cultures we teach. We actively engage in critical analysis of language, texts, films, and other forms of cultural expression, paying particular attention to changes in contexts, norms, and values across time as well as to historically underrepresented perspectives. Our location in the nation’s capital sharpens our focus on structures of power and systems of oppression but also on the movements that contest these structures and systems. We promote multilingualism, multiculturalism, and multidisciplinarity to better grapple with our complex world and move toward a more just society.

We aim to create spaces where members of our communities are welcomed, valued, and affirmed. Harassment, discrimination, and bias have no place in our department and if necessary, appropriate action will be taken for reparation and redress. We embrace diversity in as many facets as possible, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, national origin, sexuality, gender expression, age, ability, religion, socioeconomic background, veteran experience, and immigration status. To strengthen and implement justice, diversity, equity and inclusion in our classrooms and in our research, we commit to ongoing active learning. As a department and as individuals, we are engaging in specific workshops and reflective, interactive training sessions on topics such as implicit bias, microaggressions, and inclusive teaching.